
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

W.i.P. Wednesday

It's been one of those weeks where I've jumped from one project to the next! Focus, Deb, focus!

Completed projects
June bee blocks - Earliest this has ever happened, and I'll share more all about that, hopefully later this week.

Bell Pepper Coasters - The first project in Zakka Along 2.0 :: Patchwork, Please! Grab a copy of the book, and consider joining us!

Ongoing projects
Baby quilt - I'm using this idea by Spotted Stones and have pulled out a Summersville charm pack with a few solids - a light blue, green, and gray, along with white. I've now cut all the pieces but need to get busy sewing, as this one has a deadline later this month.

City Sampler Quilt Along - Blocks 4-6 are done, and I'll show them off later too. Trying hard to keep up with this and loving the small blocks! {Here's the book we're sewing from.}

x and + blocks {#xplusalong- Last we talked, I was piecing this in sections, and now it's a completed quilt top!
I'm working on piecing the back - so far I have a super-sized (44") x and plus block. Just need to give this borders, and I'll be ready to baste!

Bunny frame pouch - Remember this pattern from Zakka Style? I've made it a couple of times, and a friend really loved this bunny version. So I'm revisiting it again to make her one. The easy part's done - now to stitch that frame on!

Improv Slice and Insert Quilt & Polaroid quilt - No progress here.

Upcoming projects
* dress for grandgirl - deadline here too!
Patchwork, Please! sew along projects
* June's Lucky Star
* prepping more City Sampler blocks
* pillows for Mom/pillow for grandgirl
* mail bag

Linking up with W.i.P. Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. You finished the top!!! YAY, it looks so great. And aren't you loving the blue sky we've been having?

  2. Your finished quilt top looks awesome!

  3. Wow, you've accomplished a lot! Love your x+ top - super cute.

  4. Really love, love, love this!

    Is there a tutotial somewhere on how to stitch the fabic to the frame?

    Thanks for your great work!

  5. Love your completions especially the x+ top and bunny purse!

  6. Wow, WTG on the bee blocks, I haven't even had the fabric in for mine yet lol Loving the X and +, and the bunny is super cute

  7. My copy of the book is on the way, gotta love Amazon and two day shipping! Congratulations on finishing the quilt top, can't wait to see how you end up quilting it.

  8. Love how your X and + quilt looks - cute coasters too!

  9. oh, my!!! I just love, love, love your x and plus quilt.I might need to start my own soon :)

  10. Great idea for your backing Debbie. It will be fab.

  11. Great x + quilt top. Looks so good. Beautiful blue sky in the background too! Has it turned warm for you guys yet. Winter has suddenly hit us last weekend with rain, rain and fresh cool winds.

  12. The x & + quilt is gorgeous, Debbie!! Can't wait to see it when it's done!

  13. you know I love an x and plus quilt. Yours is looking great.
