
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fresh Sewing Day

July was a month where I found myself pushing myself more than once - to meet commitments and deadlines and personal goals. And I guess it shows. Though now that it's over, I can look back and feel a sense of accomplishment, and that's always good.

Let's start off with the blocks - oh my goodness! These were for bees, sew-alongs, charity quilts, and one lone guild challenge. Mostly they were alot of fun, and I was especially pleased with the triangle block (second row) of my own design. And with 3 blocks a week for the City Sampler, my monthly block mosaics aren't going to look much smaller anytime soon.
 1. slab block #1 for "Just One Slab Quilts Recover Southern Alberta", 2. Block 16, 3. Block 17, 4. Block 18, 5. June's block - the one that got the worst of me, 6. Clothworks Solids Challenge Block, 7. slab block #2 for "Just One Slab Quilts Recover Southern Alberta", 8. Sparkler blocks for Kristina/July, 9. Block 19, 10. Block 20, 11. Block 21, 12. House block for MissLuella, 13. Starburst Cross Block #2, 14. Greek Cross blocks, 15. Block 22, 16. Block 23, 17. Block 24, 18. Arkansas Traveler block, 19. Arkansas Traveler block, 20. Arkansas Traveler block, 21. Block 27, 22. Block 26, 23. Block 25, 24. Block 30, 25. Block 29, 26. Block 28

The "littles" this month were all, in one way or another, a stretch for me. I put my own twist on the three Patchwork, Please projects I did - either by quilting, shape, or method - and that was really enjoyable. "Jewel Lines" (top row, center) was done all in jewel-tones solids, a nice change of pace, and I thoroughly enjoyed quilting it up with a variety of colored Aurifils - my first use of their 28wt. (I approve!) And just finished was "Geese Petite" using a block, which in my wildest imagination, I had never expected to make myself. I had been in awe of it every time I saw it, so to make it, in miniature no less, was immensely satisfying.
1. Diamond Patchwork Placemat, 2. Get In Line table runner, 3. Yum, Yum Bib, 4. Books-for-Baby mini quilt, 5. A Circle of Geese pincushion

Lastly there were two quilt finishes. The first was my longest term w.i.p., started 18 months ago with one amazing little block. I named this quilt "Crossex". Click the link if you'd like to see more photos of it, including the super-sized x-and+ block on the back, which I still plan on sharing more about soon. I sighed a huge sigh of relief with the last stitch of that black-and-white striped binding. This one was a long journey, accompanied by many of you, and though I'm glad it's done, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And finally, a finish for FAITH Circle was "Starcrossings," using SewCraftyJess' lovely Starburst Cross block, which is so simple to put together, but carries a punch. I certainly wouldn't mind making another of these in a different colorway. And again, click through the link for more of the Starcrossings photoshoot.

So now heading into August, I'll continue on with the Patchwork, Please and the City Sampler sew alongs, hopefully another finish from my FAL list, and who knows what new challenges await.

Linking up with Fresh Sewing Day.


  1. Beautiful quilts and I'm always amazed how much you do! A fabulous month Debbie!

  2. What a great list of finishes! Very cool, congrats on getting so much done!

  3. You could make a quilt just out of your bee blocks this month! Love July's finishes.

  4. Amazing things you've accomplished this month Debbie. As you know it's been a very sloooooow month for me so I am in awe!

  5. 'Starcrossings' is such a beautiful quilt and will definitely be a comfort to someone!!

  6. Another fabulous month Debbie. Whatever will you do for an encore?? I'm watching my girlies today so no sewing. A very welcome break from work and sewing . Enjoy your day and blessings on your upcoming celebration

  7. oh, wow. great finishes this month!

  8. Woman you are amazing! It makes my Southern head spin just looking at all of this beautiful productivity :o) Hope you enjoyed each and every minute of it!

  9. Oh please do tell how the quilting went with the 28wt! Been dying to try it! Did you have tension issues? What needle did you use? I mostly only use a microtex needle but heard you needed bigger one?

  10. So not much on then really ;o) All beautiful though :o)

  11. Such a fabulous collection of projects last month - really love the solids in "Jewel Lines"!

  12. Your July finishes are pretty impressive! Both in quantity and quality! Nice job on all.

  13. oh my goodness - I just kept scrolling and scrolling on and on with your abundance of accomplishments, congrats!

  14. Good grief, Debbie...and I thought I was busy this month! You are amazing!!

  15. Wow, you had an amazing month! I love the Crossex quilt especially.

  16. All the blocks are great, but I love your Clothworks one the best! Very cool!

  17. All I can say is "WOW"!!! You're amazing :0)

  18. So prolific :) Fun and beautiful stuff you've been working on.
