
Friday, April 21, 2023

Midway Through The 100 Day Project

Yes, I'm a little late reporting in at the half-way point of The 100 Day Project, but considering I've missed a handful of days, it's about half-way for me. So here's a quick round-up of projects I've used scraps in!

  • Adjunct - a mini (18" x 22") quilt made from the scraps The BOM quilt

  • Whisper - a 30" x 40" quilt made from my neutral scraps (backing pulled from stash)

  • Brown Crush - a 41" square quilt made primarily from scraps (Kona Crush background and several fabrics for the backing from stash)

  • scrappy hourglass blocks - a work in progress, at this point entirely pieced from the scrap basket; currently have 32 blocks pieced

So that feels like quite a bit! I've kind of been jumping around, project-wise, but that's working for me. The scrap basket is still very full, but let's see what else I can come up with in the next 50 days!

Linking up with Patchwork & Quilts linky party!


  1. Wonderful progress and I like your framed scrappy hourglass blocks, brilliant!

  2. I love seeing you "jumping around!" It's a great way to create. Can't believe I'm saying this about a BROWN (my "ugh" color) quilt - "Brown Crush" - but that one sure caught my eyes. I'm a pushover for circles though, so that's probably why I like it - :-) - and that combo of colors. My favorites though are your oven mitts. So classic-looking, and practical. The best part is that bit of hand stitching you added. So good! Great hour-glass scrappiness too. I think you're having w-a-y too much fun in your retirement!

  3. Beautiful projects on progress,I love the bright Albersesque blocks, and the scrappy hourglass too ;)

  4. How did you attached the circles in the Brown Crush quilt? It is lovely.

    1. Hi Carol. They are inset. The Clammy ruler makes it easy to cut both the circles and the 'frames' to set them into. I just fold both to find the four equadistant points and pin them there. I use the 12" ruler so they are big enough to sew in easily. If you have more questions about that, feel free to email me directly at Hope this helps!

    2. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm off to research the clammy ruler. I love the results !
