
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Quilt Festival Long Beach

While one of my quilts was hanging at Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show last weekend, I also had a couple more hanging with The Quilts of Bee Sewcial Special Exhibit in Long Beach, CA in the IQF show

There were 16 quilts in the exhibit, a subset of what was shown at IQF Houston last November. Of my Bee Sewcial quilts, Baconrific and Rings were included in the exhibit in Long Beach.

All exhibit photos shown here are from Karen Foster @capitolaquilter, who was our only beemate able to attend the show and represented Bee Sewcial with a gallery talk. Here's some glimpses of the exhibit that she shared with us. It was great she was able to share photos of each of our quilts as well as some of the exhibit. I really do enjoy seeing how the quilts look hanging together!


  1. Wow! What a tremendous show--and you got to be part of it! Fantastic. Way to go, Deb! Congrats.

  2. Again, wonderful! Your Beesewcial group has become iconic in the world of modern quilts. It's simply fantastic that you and your bee mates are all such superior quiltmaking artists that your works are selected for special exhibits. Congratulations your own recognition!.
