
Saturday, August 19, 2023

30 Days of Improv :: Triangles

After a week of improv stripes, and then l-shapes, this week with 30 Days of Improv, it was all about triangles. 

For my first block, I made four triangle quadrants, each log-cabin style, but then I had to somehow piece those all together. What I ended up with was definitely not what I initially had in my mind's eye, but such is the nature of improv.

For the next day, we were challenged to try working on a smaller scale. I did that with scrappy improv spikes. And as I was making them, I remembered I had a tutorial for them, so shared that, which several folks appreciated.

The next day was slice & dice day with #30daysofimprovqal, and I can't say things went well. Below is my initial block.... 

Which I sliced into and re-pieced.

But I wasn't really happy with it, so.... I sliced and re-pieced once again. Not my favorite block of the bunch, but there's got to be one, right?

On Day 4 of triangle week, we were challenged to explore scalene and obtuse triangles. Yep, I got out a protractor to draw my initial triangles. And I confess I took inspiration from Linda @sewzinger for my block, and thoroughly enjoyed making this one. A funny postscript to this block was that Linda then went to make her block inspired by mine!

And finally, I combined a bunch of pieces scattered around my cutting board for the last block in #30daysofimprovqal triangle week. I was making an attempt at tumbling triangles, and it was close. At the very least, it contains some favorite Carolyn Friedlander fabric.

Personally, I found triangle week a little more challenging than the previous two, but definitely worth doing. Next up is curves!


  1. I like the Triangle Quadrant and Spikes, they would make good repeat blocks. Good challenge.

  2. Your triangles are lovely! I found this shape tricky too, and Idon't really like some of my triangles blocks. Maybe something to slice to add curves next week ;))

  3. These look challenging and well done! Pretty fabrics too.

  4. You did well! Triangles are kinda fun, I think. Curves, though - yay!

  5. I think these will all play really well with the other blocks you have made. It's always interesting to note any differences between the vision and reality; an interesting dissonance can sometimes set itself up with that comparison. I suppose the art is in turning that dissonance into a pivot back to harmony, and overall I think your grouping will be able to do that. :)

  6. These are for sure some of my favorites. The X and all those tiny "teeth". Love these blocks! xo
