
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

September Fabric Usage

I would have had another month with no fabric intake if I hadn't been at a retreat at a fabric store on the last day of September, and purchased a length of solid to finish the quilt back I'd started for my Albersesque quilt.

BUT, that in itself is progress, so I'm not complaining, and hope to get the backing finished in the next few days. 

Otherwise, I've been primarily focused on the liturgical calendar project, whose fabric stats I'm keeping separate. But just for interest sake, I purchased almost 20 yards of fabric to begin the project, and have since added 2.5 yards for the piecing, and another 5 yards for backing. So 26 yards and a lot more piecing to go before I'm done. Anyway, the fabric usage stats are pretty low-key this month for good reason.... just a handful of small projects sprinkled through the month.

September Fabric Usage
Used up: 9.61 yards
Brought in: 3.00 yards
Net: -6.61 yards


  1. That is a lot of fabric, but it 's a big project. Super inspiring stats after all.

  2. It will be interesting to add the secondary stats of the calendar. And September sounds good to me. It is still in the negative. Congrats!

  3. Good work, you! Nine-plus yards in a month is great productivity! I think you did extremely well.
