
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Pencil Pouches

You might remember that over the last few months, I stitched two Dropcloth Pencil samplers!

All along, they were planned as pencil pouches for our granddaughter, to be gifted at Christmas. The five year old chose her own thread colors without realizing that's what she was doing. Her 13 year old sister shared her favorite colors with me via text, "I love lavender, cyan, and any shade of blue." So finally, yesterday, I made time to make the pair of samplers into actually pencil pouches.

I thought it would be fun to orient the pencils differently for the two pouches. Do you have a favorite way?

I kinda wish I'd followed Rebecca's method of adding zipper taps to each zipper, but at the time I chose to do without. Finished, the pouches measure about 4.5" tall by 9" wide. And yes, I'll be purchasing new colored pencils so the girls can fill up their pouches pronto.


  1. These are adorable, Debbie!! Love them both ways, the way you folded them.

    1. Thanks so much! Rebecca suggested either orientation would work so I figured why not?!

  2. How cute, and what could be better than new pencils in a new pouch! I like them both!

  3. I really can't decide if I have a favorite orientation. And new colored pencils to fill the pouches, too? Seems like a perfect gift to me!

  4. Love these pouches and can´t decide on any orientation for the pencils. These are lovely gifts for children and grown-ups!

    1. Thanks. You're right - I wouldn't mind one for myself too! ;-)
