
Friday, January 17, 2020

2020 Finish-A-Long :: Q1 List

It's a new day for the Finish-A-Long! Begun back in 2012 by Rhonda/@rhonda.j.laws, it is and always has been a supportive community working on finishing works-in-progress, and I've joined in from Day One. In fact, here's my very first finish - a set of color block placemats. Though once firmly blog-based, times have changed, and starting with this year, the FAL will happen entirely on Instagram. All the details are right here.

SO, one begins by making a list of the projects they'd like to finish in this first quarter of the year. If you've been around a while, you kind of know how it works. My first two projects are carrying forward from last quarter:

1. My Begonia quilt top has been pieced since November, and just this week I pieced a backing, basted it, and have begun quilting. Yay! So I have high hopes this will be my first quilt finish of the year.

2. Then there's my Summer Sampler. I feel like I've been working on it forever! Finishing the piecing of the top had its challenges, but it is complete now too, and I also pieced a back for it too. Now to muster up the courage to baste it - which is actually scarier than facing the quilting. At any rate, it looms ahead.

3. And finally, I'd like to add a project that's been on my list for ages... and that's my Teeny Time Trip Around the World. Begun at QuiltCon in 2018, I finished hand-piecing it last March(!) and finally, in early December, I started in on hand-quilting it, and it's going well! I'm about one-third done, and will do my best to stick with it.

Three projects should be easy-peasy, right? I sure hope so, cuz I'm itching to start something new!

Linking up with #2020FALQ1List.


  1. three great projects! you've got this

  2. All great projects! Looking forward to what you will finish :) Most of all, hae fun and enjoy the process. xo Melanie

  3. Love your beautiful quilt tops and placemats. Always fun to have a few finishes and some more to look forward to. Enjoy!

  4. Oh I can't wait to see your Summer Sampler done - I'm thrilled it's on your list! :-)

  5. Great in-progress work. Your Sampler looks awesome and I can't wait to see how you decide to quilt it. That is a large quilt so I can understand why basting it would be daunting.
