
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Best of 2022

It's always fun to join in Cheryl/Meadow Mist Designs' annual 'Best of' linky party. There's a variety of ways to go about it, and personallyI like to base my 'best' solely on reader views of blog posts, since the linky is primarily blog-related. 

It's worth mentioning, though, that after I posted my 'Best of 2021' last year on 12/27/21, a nearly year-end (12/30/21) post, 'About Those Scraps,' far exceeded any of my 2022 posts. In it, I shared various ways I use scraps, so if that's something you're interested in, please check it out. Now on to this year, counting up from #5 to the most viewed post of 2022.

5. Italiano antico was one of my favorite quilts this year, both due to the fabrics I chose to use - a lot of crossweaves - and the resultant color story. It's already in Austin in waiting for QuiltCon 2023 in Atlanta, so if you see it there, please let me know!

4. The Scrappy Potholders were a scrap-lover's joy. Originally begun purely to try a new potholder shape and use up a multitude of scrappy slabs leftover from a years-old project, they ending up being perfect gifts to several family members.

3. Rich Red I was the first in an on-going exploration of using Kona Rich Red in my quilting projects. Pure improv play, it was a great beginning to my color-based series.

2. The Stitch Club Kantha Quilt was such an enjoyable project for me. Machine-pieced and hand-quilted and hemmed, it was so unique (no batting!), and I'm really glad I took the time to try something new.

1. The top post of this year, Patchwork Hearts was the only one of this 'top' group that wasn't a finished project. But as always, scraps really speak to people, and I totally get that.

I did have a finished quilt, though, that wasn't nearly as popular as its beginnings - Inside Out Patchwork Hearts. It did indeed use a lot of scraps, and I enjoyed gifting it to my co-worker's new baby.

So are you surprised at any of the top posts? I was surprised there were so many finished projects, though the Improv eXtra block and Quilted Bookmarks tutorials were #6 and #7! As always, I just really appreciate your interest in what I'm up to through the year! Thank you!

Linking up with Meadow Mist Designs' Best of 2022 linky party.


  1. I think it's awesome that 4 of your 5 top viewed posts are for finished quilts / projects. My top posts by views alone would have only been tips or tutorials! LOL It's always fun to see what rises to the top, isn't it? I look forward to seeing what you make in 2023!

  2. Oh such a post full of gorgeous colour - I love the Italiano quilt, magnificent.

  3. You always have so many blog posts and awesome projects so no, I would not have guessed ;) But I can understand the result. All beautiful quilts! xo

  4. What a good idea to check through one's blog comments for "top" posts. I like that idea. And isn't it interesting to see what people like most? Not sure I can do that kind of counting with my blog posts, since I often include more in my posts than quilty stuff - like book reviews. But I've enjoyed seeing your readers' favorites. They have good input! Love your QC 2023 and will definitely take a picture for you. Love "Rich Red" too. It's really smashing. I'm glad you participated in the Kantha too, as your piece is simply beautiful! Next time, I'll make mine without a flannel batting. :-) Congratulations on all your beautiful 2022 makes. You're extremely talented.

  5. Love the Italiano - and it's so on trend given the Pantone Viva Magenta announcement. You're ahead of the times!

    1. I guess so! I hope to explore more in the new year with both the Rich Red and the Magenta....

  6. Great post, I loved seeing some of your 2022 makes again! I look forward to seeing Italiano antico at QuiltCon. Thanks for linking up!

  7. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely - every one. The yellow one is a stunner!

  8. It's always interesting to see which posts were most favored by readers, isn't it? Personally, I love ALL of your posts!
