So the Improv Stripes QAL begins today!
Start by cutting a bunch of skinny strips.

Lengths do not matter, but if you want a look similar to mine, angle your strips as shown below, with one end approximately 1" wide, and the other slightly less. It doesn't hurt to go as low as 1/2" on one end. When strips are sewn together, that strip basically disappears at the skinny end, and that's an interesting element to add into the mix. Of course if you want to work with wider strips, go for it!

Follow the same method in cutting your contrasting strips, and begin sewing pairs together. If you like, combine stripe sets to add even more variety, and do keep any little bits you trim as you go, as they may find a home in your finished piece.

Once your pairs are sewn, press them, then begin sewing pairs into larger sets. It's ok for the ends to be uneven. And it's also ok - good in fact - to have a variety of sizes of stripe sets.

If you like, combine stripe sets to add even more variety, and do keep any little bits you trim as you go, as they may find a home in your finished piece. Don't press again, though, until you have a stripe set totally pieced. See how it bubbles up a little? Flip it over and press all the unpressed seams - direction really doesn't matter. Unlike pressing patchwork blocks after each seam to make things lie super flat, pressing the section at this point will cause just a bit of a wobble, which just adds to the overall look of the block - in a good way!

So.... start cutting strips and making stripe sets - as few or as many as you like. I'll be checking in on Instagram midweek, and by Friday, we'll plan on sharing some ideas about how we might arrange our blocks. If you're on Instagram, post progress using hashtags #improvstripesqal and #improvstripes. If you aren't, let me know in the comments how it's going and where I can see your photos, ok? This is gonna be fun!