1. There was just one block left to make for my Modern Sampler, and once that was done, I just went for it to the finish line,

Even the dreaded applique was kind of enjoyable, and I really loved the uneven borders. I named the quilt Colorless, and was quite surprised how smitten I was with it once I was done. A year in the making, this one took me places I hadn't foreseen, but am glad to have gone.

2. Next were my Bee Sewcial Swap blocks, and I was still waiting on several at the time I was making my list.

Exchanging Whispers was the result worth waiting for, a scrappy mix of more neutral low-volume fabrics. Kind of weird that I had two such quiet quilts this quarter, but I do love them.

3. The final finish from my Q3 list was inspired by an online photo of farm plots.

I dug deep into my green stash and for some odd reason I really enjoyed sewing up all the curves into Crop Circles.

What didn't get done is my bacon-inspired Bee Sewcial quilt. But I've got a plan and a good start puzzling the blocks together. This one really takes focus though, so it'll take a little while. I'm anxious to get back to it though!

So I'm really pleased with my quarter, and more than ready to move on to the next!
All three finishes have been linked-up with the 2016 Finish-A-Long :: Q3 Finishes Link-Up!