Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Ready or not, it's my turn to choose the prompt for Bee Sewcial. This is my fifth year with the improv bee, which continues to challenge me every month - which is a good thing! If you've missed the previous quilts I've made with Bee Sewcial, they are Mod Mood, Baconrific, Looking Up, and the most recent, Homage.

Soooo... after lots of consideration, I've chosen the theme "Modular". Think modular bookcases, furniture, buildings. According to, modular can be defined as: "composed of standardized units or sections for easy construction or flexible arrangement." I've created a pin board with inspiration photos to get my beemates thinking about possibilities. Up until now, my Bee Sewcial prompts have resulted in quite maximalistic quilts, and this time, I'd like to be a tad less so. Not that the block/s have to be minimalistic, but I'm asking my bee mates to pare down rather than get too detailed.

DIY wooden color block shelves ikea prant

Number of blocks and block size is up to the maker, keeping in mind the approximate equivalent of two-12" blocks. As far as fabric, I'd like all the 'backgrounds' of each module to be neutral - white, cream, snow, natural, etc. And the lines between each module to be quite dark - black, dark gray, dark blue, or even very dark purple such as Kona Raisin. The one exception to the above is I'd like to give each maker the option of incorporating ONE piece of coral or orange into their work - possibly a module background similar to those in the photo above - maybe somewhere else. But that's totally an option - if it feels, right, do it; if not, ignore it.

So, unlike my previous prompts with Bee Sewcial, I'm actually making a block up front. I just had an idea and I needed to see if it would work. Plus, it shows off the colors I've chosen, including the optional coral. It's about 12" big at this point, and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to finish it off, but there's plenty of time for that.

Bee Sewcialites, you'll find details posted in our Flickr group. Please check in there so I know you've see this month's prompt. #inspiredbybeesewcial


  1. Interesting. Can’t wait to see it play out

  2. Another great prompt! I can't wait to see where your block goes and what everyone else comes up with. This is my month too...but I haven't settled on a prompt yet!

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