Tuesday, March 25, 2025


While at QuiltCon, I succumbed to temptation, and purchased a set of Curvelet templates from Jen Carlton Bailey @bettycrockerass. Not 100% sure why, as tiny and fiddly aren't really my jam, but I've been infatuated with various projects made with them, and I just figured I'd try them out.

Each step of making tiny curvelet blocks, 1.5" unfinished, will take time. But I've made ONE, so know the process now. Just need to keep at it. I purchased three Ruby Star Society mini charm packs, which I hope to mix and match. So stay tuned! I'll (hopefully) eventually be back with a status report.


  1. A new challenge is always fun and I like your Omnigrid round cutting mat, that could be useful! I'll keep watching for interesting results.

  2. I have so enjoyed seeing others work with them and purchased them a while ago but have yet to try my hand at them yet. Looking forward to seeing where this goes for you!
