When I posted about February's Block Studies Collective focus, Big Slice, I really thought I was done. I loved the block, and pinned it up on my design wall, its bright colors continuing to cheer me on.
The more I looked at it, the more I was inclined to quilt it up. I mean those curves just looked downright fun to quilt. So one day, I layered it with some batting and backing, and got to work.
What looks like black and white in this block is actually Konas Nautical and Orchid - dark blue and light purple. With that in mind, I chose Aurifil 50wt 2515 [Light Orchid] for quilting. Mostly, I just followed the curves of each arc, both inside them and in the background. Then big ole diagonals through the cornerstones and melons.
I'm so happy I decided to finish this big block (20.5" x 20.5"). I continues to make me smile!
Yes that is a finished block full of smiles, congratulations!