One has to think long and hard when choosing a theme for the improv bee Bee Sewcial. Or maybe that's just me. At least I settled on one a couple of months ago, giving myself time to take some inspiration photos.
I'm hoping to encourage each of us to pause just a bit.... to notice the little things.... to be aware.... to look up.
The photos here are examples of what I've seen lately just randomly looking up when it crosses my mind to do so. I'm instructing my bee-mates: Please look up where you are. Base your block on what you see. Just tip your head back and look up!
I'd like one block from each of them, though I'm not particular about size - just the rough equivalent of two 12 1/2" blocks. The block can be square, or any proportion and orientation of rectangle.

Another key element is the palette. I'd like all blocks to be done in grayscale - primarily using anything in the range from white to shades of gray, though small elements of black are fine.
And yet one more little request. When posting on Instagram or Flickr, please include ONE WORD to describe what your block represents to you. See in my Looking Up Flickr album how I have labeled my photos, each with a single word.

So relatively simple. Hopefully thoughtful. Minimal. Colorless. Just Look Up.....
Any and all of you, please feel free to sew along with us, posting on instagram with the hashtag #inspiredbybeesewcial.