Thursday, April 4, 2019

Begonia :: April

The funny thing about the Seattle MQG block of the month - as soon as we finish one round, everyone is itching to make the next! So when April's post went live, folks were racing to add to their Begonia quilt, me included.

It's now 30" square and I've used all ten of my fabrics, which is exciting. I still have another batch of HSTs to make this month to stay on track, but otherwise, all is as it should be.

Mystery quilt design by Stefanie/@satterwhitequilts. Check out the #begoniaquilt hashtag to see more!


  1. very cool. soooooo many half square triangles!

  2. I love reading about your excitement about this QAL. I love how the colors read in this picture. So fun to see it growing! xo

  3. Great progress. I like your Begonia swatch panel, I could get side tracked just making different
    combinations. Love Kona cotton solids!

  4. What a mark of a fun pattern and group to have everyone eager and ready to sew at the beginning of the month. Getting all the colors sewn in is exciting. :)

  5. The colors are just so beutiful together! I can see why everyone is so excited!
