Thursday, June 6, 2024

Like, Totally :: June

Louise @imfeelincrafty, creator of this year's Seattle MQG BOM, looooves quarter circle blocks. So no surprise that a handful of them are included in this year's BOM. I can't say they're my favorite, but I don't really mind them, either. So once I got to a stopping point on my current project, I figured I'd take a break and get my June blocks done.

Fun that they were in two sizes! Also fun that Louise had us piece the block scraps together (not pictured), saying we'd be using them later. The less scraps the better, right? I could be wrong, but it would be just like Louise to encourage us to piece those 'extra' blocks into our quilt backs when the time comes. We'll see!


  1. A little at a time gets things done right? Quarter Square Circle Blocks always add to the whole .

  2. I am getting ready to piece some of those blocks for a quilt. I am not a fan of curved piecing on the matchine so mine will be hand pieced

    1. Whatever works! I find if I just just a couple of pins and go slow, I am successful. Though also depends how small they are! Good luck with yours!

  3. Looking great, Debbie! These are big quarter circles, so that made piecing easier, right? Love that Louise had us piece the leftovers. If they're intended to be used in the back... I'll have to think about that. For the first time in ages, I bought a whole piece of wide-back just to finish this quilt. Not sure I will want to cut it up to insert blocks, but will see.
