Tuesday, July 2, 2024

June Fabric Usage

Here I thought I was going to make it with no fabric purchases in June, but the need to provide a color palette in real fabric for my Bee Sewcial mates arose, so I did order a few small cuts.

Basically though, I sewed with stash and scrap both, having a pretty productive month taking it as it came. I also fulfilled a fabric wish for someone I follow online - they were looking for a particular fabric, and I happened to have yardage I thought I could live without, so I sent it off. That gave me a bump start for my fabric usage for the month. So here's my stats:

June Fabric Usage

Used up: 22.09 yards [14.06 projects + 8.03 recycled/sold]
Brought in: 2.5 yards 
Net: -19.59 yards

I thought since we're half-way through the year, it might be fun to see my YTD fabric stats:

Used up: 105.83
Brought in: 56.26
Net: -49.57

Kind of a shocking amount of fabric brought in, but remember in March I used a gift card that accounts for 25 of those yards? So I'm not really feeling too bad about that. Anyway, onwards! I'm not really sure what July holds for me sewing-wise, but I'm looking forward to finding out!


  1. I have done a lot of stash busting this year. The way I know is that a few of my color bins are less than half full. It is fun to see that happen.

    1. That's awesome! I bet it IS fun too. Curious if you keep your prints and solids together?

  2. I always find these posts fascinating. I'm not sure I have the discipline to keep up a tally myself but I do think about purchases. This month I was gifted three banker's boxes of fabric from a widow's family. It was all Christmas related (which I love) and it was hard to be realistic about what to keep and what to regift. I filled one box with fabric to regift and may go through the two remaining boxes one more time before the next meeting where we have a free table. So this delightful windfall has really thrown off my buy/use tally for the quarter!

    1. Yeah, gifts like that (or giftcards) really throw counts off but what can you say? Enjoy your windfall! ;-)

  3. Wow, that's an impressive amount of used fabric for the year already!

  4. What's shocking is how much fabric you use up every month! I am terribly impressed! And your half-year total... ??? That's already more than I use in a whole year. I've used only 60 yards so far in 2024. You are amazing!

  5. Lol - so fun what you focused on aka that you bought 50 yards. I am so impressed by the 100 yards used up. And the total net through that :) xo
