January started out feeling very full, and after being kind of ho-hum about December's BSC assignment - Abstractions - I was feeling kind of the same with January's - Wayward Arcs, AKA quarter-circles. But I started in using a two-color option, because that intrigued me. Can't say I loved the result, but I'd tried.
And I almost just let it be at that. But Kathleen
@cadoodleanddesigns and I got chatting, and both determined that we would at least give the rectangular shapes a try, and that changed everything. (BTW,
go peek at Kathleen's first go with the prompt - I love it!)
Something about those shapes spoke to me. And even though that yellow/orange 'square' didn't turn out quite like I'd originally planned, I liked it and decided it leave it in. And then I continued to make another row.
I'm debating whether to make one more column, but at any rate, I think I'm going to save this little piece - about 16" x 28" - for a hand-quilting piece for one of my classes at QuiltCon. If so, you'll probably see it again....
Love the not-primary colors in the rectangular piecing.