Monday, June 3, 2019

Begonia :: June

With every passing month, I love it more. One more round was added to my Seattle MQG block of the month Begonia quilt, and it's now 42 1/2" square. Not much profound to say about it, but I am enjoying watching it grow. Now I just need to make another batch of HSTs and wait for next month's instructions!

Mystery quilt design by Stefanie/@satterwhitequilts. Check out the #begoniaquilt hashtag to see more!


  1. Loving that dark green color. Don't see that too often, but very nice. Especially with the colorful accents. Fun to see this grow!

  2. This is really developing nicely.

  3. Love the colors! Unusual, but very nice together.

  4. Sometimes good to just follow instructions and enjoy the piecing!

  5. This is gorgeous Debbie! The colors are amazing together!

  6. That deep, emerald green is out of my comfort zone so I am especially curious every month and I can only say it is growing beautifully! xo
