Friday, July 31, 2020

Geo Baby

Recently the occasion arrived where I needed to make a baby quilt, and the one I'd made my youngest grandgirl came to mind to replicate. Actually, it was originally inspired by a darling patchwork quilt by @tincatsew. Taking color cues from the new baby boy's gift registry, I pulled solids from my stash. I do know that the orange is Kona Tiger Lily, and the blue is Kona blueprint. Piecing this simple design combining basic quilt blocks with blocks of color was most enjoyable. And yes, the stripes were all pieced as well.

The backing fabrics were actually purchased on a long-ago quilting retreat in California - Big Sky by Annie Brady for Moda. I had originally planed for the animal print to be the focus fabric for the front of a baby quilt, but I'm glad I waited, as it was a perfect backing for this one.

Of course, this quilt called for a special label, hand-embroidered and incorporating a lone left-over block. The quilt finished at 37" x 40" and was just delivered to its young recipient. I trust it gives the little guy some joy and comfort as he grows up with it. That's my hope.


  1. Great color palette and use of piecing and solids to give the eye room to roam and explore. I have a feeling this will be a much used and loved quilt.

  2. The label is adorable and the backing makes the baby quilt reversible. Beautiful colors and design, great gift Debbie.

  3. what a darling quilt. lucky baby! I need to get cracking on baby quilts, my list is growing!

  4. it's a beautiful quilt. And an inspiration :-) There are a lot of babies arriving in the next months here.

  5. So beautiful!! Love the colours and cute label. What a special baby gift!

  6. It's a charming design. I love the simplicity of it, and the graphic-ness of the shapes. Really, it's perfect for a boy. The label is the icing on top. Perfectly made.

  7. It has a very modern vibe that I love. And the lable is so cute! xo
