Believe it or not, it's already time to embrace the second quarter of 2016! As you know, the 2016 FAL is co-hosted by a group of bloggers from around the world:
- Jess - Elven Garden Quilts - Australia [elvengardenquilts]
- Stacey - SLO Studio - Canada [slostudio]
- Jennie - Clover & Violet - USA [cloverandviolet]
- Helen - Archie the Wonder Dog - UK
- Nicky - Mrs. Sew and Sow - UK [nickyeglinton]
- Rhonda - Rhonda's Ramblings - USA [rhondatherambler]
- Leanne - She Can Quilt - Canada [shecanquilt]
- Cindy - Fluffy Sheep Quilting - Ireland [fluffysheepquilting]
- Debbie - A Quilter's Table - USA [aquilterstable] me!
For those of you who are new to the FAL, it is a place to find motivation and encouragement to complete your unfinished projects. Each quarter, post a list with photos of projects you hope to finish in the next three months, and then at the end of the quarter, post a link from your blog, Flickr, or Instagram of each successful finish from your original list.
Each finish is a chance to win wonderful prizes from our sponsors. There is no penalty for not finishing a listed project, so feel free to make your list long or short, as you wish. In Q1, there were 447 participants, and they in turn linked up over 800 finishes - now that's progress! The 2016 Schedule and Rules for the FAL can be found on my 2016 Finish-A-Long tab above.
To those of you already participating in the FAL, did you enjoy Tutorial Week at the end of Q1? It routinely takes place between the opening of the link for finishes and the day that link closes. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below! If you have a tutorial that you would like to share, please let me or another host know. And for your convenience, I've just added links to all of the tutorials from Q1 Tutorial Week in the FAL tab, so reference that whenever you want!
Here are the fantastic and generous sponsors for Q2 of the FAL - you can see each of their prizes listed under their logo. Please take a moment to visit them and say thank you if you can!
So now it's time to round up those projects you want to finish over the next three months, take a photo of where you are now with each project, and make your list. Please include projects that you have already started - at least pulled fabric with a pattern or plan, and remember that it is finished projects that will get you entry toward the above listed prizes at the end of the quarter. So while we love to see your bee blocks, the "finish" is when they are a completed, usable project. It is very helpful if you tag your Q2 list as #FALQ2yourname.
The 2016 Q2 link for your list of proposed finishes is now open below and on each of the hosting blogs. You only link your list (one post) once, on one blog - and that link will show up on all of the host blogs. If you are using Flickr or Instgram, link a mosaic and put your list in the description. Katy of The Littlest Thistle has a great tutorial on how to link-up if you have need it. Note that the Q2 linky party will stay open until 11 pm EST, April 16th. You might want to check your time zone to determine your last possible time to link.
We do hope that you participate in the FAL community by checking out the links of others, visiting around, and commenting on their lists. We all need encouragement to get those finishes done, right? So let's get to it!
Second Quarter of 2016 Proposed Finishes
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Looks like it's shaping up to be a great quarter! Thanks for hosting, Debbie!
ReplyDeleteI'm jumping back in after not doing this for a long while. Thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeleteLots to look at here!! Missed the last link party for finishes so I'm back again. Thanks to all hosts!
ReplyDeleteIt's showing as closed but it's not 11pm EST yet. Can I still get in?
I know I waited until the last minute, but just wanted to give you a heads up that the linky is closed before 11 pm EST. That's what I get for procrastinating!
ReplyDeleteI'm having the same problem as Heather and Liz! I'd really love in too. Created my blog today just for this! I'd love the chance to join.
It looks like many of us are trying to get in on this. It seems it closed earlier than was expected. If I can still join in, my post is here:
ReplyDeleteApologies, friends! You are right – the linky closed prematurely! Please leave a link to your Q2 list in the comments here until 11PM and we'll be sure you are included!
ReplyDeleteHere's my link. Thanks!