Friday, June 3, 2022

Little Art

Last week, we happened by a free little neighborhood art box! You know we were already familiar with little free libraries, but art? That was new to us, and I found it irresistable. 

Of course I had to go home and make a mini quilt for it pronto. I used scraps of Carolyn Friedlander fabric and started in an improv log cabin one-block quilt. 

I quilted it with an angled grid in gold thread, and when we were back in the vicinity yesterday, we dropped it off. It was a really good feeling to add the little quilt to the other art in the box, yet strange realizing I probably wouldn't know where it would end up. But I was ok with that!

I've since learned from owner @freelittleartgalleryedmonds that it's the very first mini quilt to be left in their box. Yay!

One last note... the day before we were going to add the little quilt to the art box, I remembered my intent to include Kona Rich Red in every project for a while, so I took a few minutes to machine-applique a tiny red patch onto the quilt. I decided not to rephotograph it, but you can see the red patch, which is quilted with one 'X'. 

I had put one of my small labels on the quilt's back, which was printed with both my name and A Quilter's Table. It wasn't too long after we left the quilt that the FLAG Edmonds was posting it on IG, which was really fun to see, plus it was nice that we were then able to connect there as well. Anyway, a random but fun addition to our week.


  1. Like you, I’ve seen the free little libraries here and there. Free art is an exciting new idea. I love it. How fun it will be to watch the little gallery and add some art now and then. I hope I will cross the path of a little free art gallery in my adventures around the neighborhood.

  2. OMG- that is darling!!! I have made a few pieces for a woman in Oak Park IL for her tiny art galleries and it's wonderful to see them growing!

  3. so fun! I know Danielle Krysa (@thejealouscurator) has one, been following hers for a while! Are you supposed to take something when you leave something? not sure exactly what the rules are. I love your little quilt

  4. What a fun little adventure! xo

  5. Oooh, so fantastic to connect with them through IG because of your label! :)

  6. What a marvelous little box! Of course, I've never heard of such a thing (no such box will ever be found in our area) but why not? I think it's great that you made a piece just to add to it. If I were you, I'd be pleased to have found an outlet for mini quilts... should your mini be taken. And no doubt it will. I hope you'll monitor the box as you're back in the area.

  7. oh my that is wonderful! How cool.
