Monday, October 21, 2024


Karen @capitolaquilter chose Kelp as the Bee Sewcial prompt for this month. "Refer to my Jellyfish for the Palette: primarily blues/greens of all shades for background and mostly yellow/orange but can lean towards mustard/rust and include greens as long as it contrasts with the background. Sprinkle in bits of other colors as necessary." Karen also provided a link to Monterey Bay Aquarium as a source for ideas:

Here's my first block for her, 12" x 14", inspired by a kelp variety common at the aquarium - Dictyoneurum reticulatum AKA reticulated alga. I improv-pieced a rectangle of orange and yellow scraps before cutting them into kelp-inspired shapes. Then one by one, I pieced them together with the background fabric.

My second block measures 11" x 14.5" and is inspired by a feather boa kelp. I debated whether or not to piece the 'border' with smaller bits of the various colors, but for variety-sake, I decided to. Plus I kind of like the addition of that darker green 'just because.'