QuiltCon was definitely a high point, with Leanne/@shecanquilt's "Smile" winning best of show. It was so good to have most of Bee Sewcial there, and we had fun taking photos in front of our various quilts. Here we are with Baconrific.

Creating with Bee Sewcial was also a constant continuing through the year. The prompts and subsequent blocks are challenging each and every time, and I'm thankful for the ways creating with them stretches me. Below are the blocks I made this year.
There were three trunk shows this year - for the women in my church at their annual spring luncheon, for the Mukilteo Lighthouse Quilters, and for the Bainbridge Island MQG. Unfortunately I rarely get photos at those, but still, they were all very good times.
L to R, top row: Be Counted, Triptych Jewels, Portraits
middle row: Improv Play, Modular [see finished quilt], Burle Marx
bottom row: Stripes, Sonia Delaunay, Energy
There were three trunk shows this year - for the women in my church at their annual spring luncheon, for the Mukilteo Lighthouse Quilters, and for the Bainbridge Island MQG. Unfortunately I rarely get photos at those, but still, they were all very good times.
There were 18 quilts made, in a variety of sizes, which is my favorite. Big ole quilts are so great, of course, but I also love making smaller ones to try new things or just for pure enjoyment. Links to posts on all of them are under the 2019 Quilts tab above.

Alot of us talk about how many quilts pile up around the house, and throughout the year I was blessed to be able to share some of mine by donating three to causes I support, and gifting others to family members and friends. That felt good!
And finally, in amongst all of the above were little bursts of sewing, small projects that served as respite from either the busyness of life or the larger project, and as I glance at them together, I realize alot of them were gifted. That, too, feels really good. But seriously, when did I manage to make all these??
All in all, a really terrific year, filled to the brim with meaningful community moments, plenty of creative time, and a good amount of sharing. Thanks for being a part of it!
All in all, a really terrific year, filled to the brim with meaningful community moments, plenty of creative time, and a good amount of sharing. Thanks for being a part of it!