Now that I am sitting down to actually write this post, it feels like 2018 planned itself for me. Of course, that's not totally true, as I did have some say in most of it, but I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed both with the w.i.p.s all around me (and some of their respective deadlines) as well as the groups and events I'll be involved in. All good stuff, but it kind of feels like they are all piled up in front of me, barring me from moving forward, where in fact, what I need to do is step on over them as a group, and start facing them one by one. Maybe getting them down on paper, here, for you, would help me do that.

The thing is, when I went to write my list, it felt like soooo many words. After my Best of 2017 and Another Look posts, I feel like there's been alot of writing and reading. So a list I will write, but succinct it will be. And I'll share more as projects and events unfold.
And in regards to brand - I need new business cards, address labels, and would like some postcards, preferably with envelopes. If you have a source you'd recommend, please do tell.
- w.i.p.s - finish them!
- gifts - give generously
- QuiltCon - get ready
- organize - 'nuf said
- community - keep involved
- social media - more of the same
- commonality*
- brand*
- write - possibilities
- explore - COTYs, waxed cotton, improvisation
And in regards to brand - I need new business cards, address labels, and would like some postcards, preferably with envelopes. If you have a source you'd recommend, please do tell.
So expect to see my Finish-A-Long finishes and new list for 2018 coming soon, and hopefully a couple of new finishes. Time to start on a new issue of The Scrap Basket, make a gift to be gifted soon, and ship off a quilt for QuiltCon. Once that's all done, hopefully I can settle into the new year and explore it as it comes. That's the hope!
Linking up with the #2018PlanningParty! Here we go!
Linking up with the #2018PlanningParty! Here we go!