This third round, I had 4 projects on my list. A year in the making was the 4x5 modern Quilt Bee quilt. I had blocks from 3 rounds of the bee, and just needed to pull them all together.

There's a pretty photo-heavy post here if you want to read more about this project, and a run-down of my adventure in quilting it here. Major accomplishment for me, this one.

So A Taste of Marmalade was a pretty sweet finish.

A QWERTY variation kind of loomed in the background for a while. This "re-do" of the original QWERTY was for my bookkeeper friend, who had given me a focus fabric to work with.

Once I actually faced this stack on my sewing table, Digits came together without much fuss.

I do have some blocks pieced, and this one is definitely going right back on the list for the fourth quarter!

Stay tuned - those greens and browns in the tree skirt photo will still be making an appearance!

I'll be linking my finished projects up to the Finish-A-Long Third Quarter Linky Party! Also linking up with Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link Up.