Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Year

I'm very fond of the word "journey": suggesting travel or passage from one place to another. We're all on journeys, aren't we? I certainly feel like this past year of blogging has been a sort of journey for me. Began somewhat hesitantly, just wanting to participate more fully in the online quilting community, my journey has brought me to a place of increased proficiency, connection with new friends, and expanded vision. My quilting has gone from being a hobby to a source of calm and keen pleasure, and blogging has helped make that happen.
Kaleidoscope folded
Quilt-alongs, swaps, and bees have all been components; flickr has become a frequent companion; and affirmation has come through comments, "explores", features, and of course, conversations with you. My circle of like-minded quilters has grown from several to hundreds. And the joy I find in creating has grown exponentially.
I've appreciated the forum for sharing my love of the table. Though comparatively a smaller portion of my blog, it is no less important to me, and I'm grateful for those who have joined me around the table.
When it comes right down to it, I have you to thank for this year of growth and creativity. It's you that have spurred me on to projects I never could have imagined before. It's you that have encouraged me to be myself, that my craft has value. And it's you that have affirmed my journey itself. Thank you.

Will you join me in a little celebratory give-away to mark the one year anniversary of A Quilter's Table? It's a pleasure to offer this little bundle to one of you. After mulling over all sorts of fabric choices, I finally chose some fat-quarters of Malka Dubrawsky's new line, A Stitch in Color, which says 'modern' to me and represents stretching and growing. And I can't help but throw in my new favorite tool, a little hera marker - you need one!
Just leave a comment telling a bit about your quilting or crafting adventure. I'll choose a random winner some time Thursday. And again, I truly thank you for sharing the journey.


  1. Debbie, What a sweet post. Well, you know my journey as you've been one of the constants since starting my journey back in August. I couldn't agree more that the quilting community has welcomed me openly and the quilters within continue to challenge, push and motivate me to be better than I am, to try.. and accept failure or less than perfect and then to try again. Congratulations, one year is a big accomplishment. Continue to do what you do, you're a fabulously creative woman and I enjoy your blog!

  2. Congrats on one year of blogging! My journey has been exciting this past year as I've sewn more in that year than in the past three since I got my first sewing machine!

  3. I can't believe it's only been one year! You have become such an important part of my online quilting life. Thank you for being my friend! You've given me so much already, but I can't resist entering your amazing giveaway. I've been drooling over Malka's work for years and would love to win that fabric.
    Wishing you many more happy years of quilting and blogging and swapping!

  4. Congrats on one year! I love the online sewing community - since I started blogging, I've joined (way too) many quilt alongs, stretching my skills with quilts I never would have attempted alone. Plus it's nice to hear comments from others instead of my husband's less-than-enthusiastic "nice quilt...again." ;)
    Oh, and I won your last giveaway, so if Random picks me, pick again and spread the love. :)

  5. Your quilts are beautiful! I especially love the those in the first photo---AND the large star quilt. :)

  6. Congratulations on your year! I'm really at the very start of my journey, I only started quilting and blogging last September. It is such a wonderful community to be part of and through everyone's support and advice I'm hoping to challenge myself further and create so much more :)

  7. You are awesome! My quilting journey gets sidetracked a lot by some kiddos :) But that's where I am right now and where I want to be. There will be plenty of time to sew my heart out while wishing they were still at home in the future :)

  8. Congratulations on hitting the one year mark. I started quilting when my niece was born 10 years ago, my mom taught me. My quilting journey took on a life of it's own after my daughter was born and I needed a nap time craft to keep me occupied.

  9. congratulations to you! Quilting has become my source of relaxation away from work and something to keep my busy as an empty nester! I love it and blogging too!

  10. Well Debbie, my dear, I think you know about my quilting journey!! I still sort of consider myself an ambitious beginner, still lots to learn and try but it's SO SO fun to have the help and ideas that come from the quilting community here online.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  11. Happy anniversary, Debbie! Thanks for sharing your journey. I feel like I'm only starting my journey, although I've been quilting for several years as I'm just starting out with blogging. Already I'm enjoying the ride as I meet fabulous people like you and continue to learn new techniques and explore all the opportunities to be a part of this amazing online community. Thanks for welcoming me to the party!

  12. Happy blogsversary! I am so pleased to be one of your internet friends, you continue to inspire and encourage me and everyone else every day! I love both your work and your approach and I am hoping that you will continue to share it for many years to come. I too am enjoying meeting internet friends and the inspiration, encouragement and support that the online quilting community provides. That is a wonderful gift to celebrate this milestone, thank you.

  13. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Here's to many more. I have just recently began following you. I'm fairly new to the blogging community (a reader not a blogger myself) I have learned so much from you. I have been a sewer for many years but a quilter for only a few years. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and your amazing talent. I enjoy visiting thru the web since I can't visit in person!

  14. Happy blogiversary, Debbie. I love coming to your blog to see what fun projects you're working on. Thanks for sharing and being a constant source of inspiration. My feelings about blogging and quilting are very similar to yours, I will be my first blogiversary in march. thanks for this wonderful giveaway, too.

  15. Congratulations on 1 year of blogging. My blogging journey began this month as a way to connect to all these wonderful quilters/crafter who inspire me everyday. My blog tells the story of how I started quilting to deal with the loss of my Son. How I am quilting tears into stitches.

  16. congrats on your one year and thank you for sharing your journey. i've enjoyed your posts, following you and finding inspiration for my quilting and blogging journey. i've cut and stashed many kits ready to go, sewing as it pleases me, enjoying many new techniques, colors, patterns, and tools and gadgets since i've started following blogs.

  17. Congrats on one year! I've enjoyed connecting with you and seeing your creative output. Here's to many more years and yards of fabric!

  18. Congrats to you on the first anniversary of your 'journey'! I too have been enriched by my blogging journey! It has made the world a much smaller place, as I feel so close to new blogging friends! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Happy Blogiversary! Congrats on a whole year, I've enjoyed reading your blog very much. I'm on the newer side to blogging and quilting and you've been an inspiration to me. Thanks!

  20. major congratulations are in order! my journey has been changing a lot- blogging is a big part of it, and so is reading other people's blogs. my to-do list gets longer and longer! i have to keep reminding myself that it is supposed to be fun and a break from the work of child-rearing, but i get so goal oriented!

  21. Only one year? I must have started following you since about the time you started and I just say, I've been a fan.

    I have loved quilts, read about them, studied them for more than 30 years. My Mom helped me make a wedding quilt for my husband's sister 32 years ago as well as a couple of baby quilts for my kids. Fast forward 30+ years and Mom helped me make a wedding quilt for a nephew. And then, this summer I made my very first solo quilts. After a recent breast cancer experience (the full surgery/chemo/radiation deal), I've decided I can't wait until I retire to make quilts. Quilts must be made NOW. I don't have much time to quilt but I'm plugging away and enjoying doing more than just reading and dreaming.

  22. Congratulations on your first year Debbie - your projects are so lovely and you are such a wonderful source of inspiration!

  23. What a great anniversary. I hope to make a year too. I have been quilting for approximately 22 years. I started on my Nana's featherweight and now I am working on my Mum's hand me down Designer 1. I love playing with the colors and looking at other peoples creative ideas.

  24. congratulations on a whole year of blogging and quilting. here's to another year! Lori

  25. Well, I started sewing like 8 years ago. I started small, made lots of mistakes. Then I got into slightly bigger projects like baby blankets and pillows. About 1 year and a half ago, I got interested in making quilt tops. Now I have quilts on my mind alot.

  26. Congratulations! I've been following you in my google reader for many months, and I really enjoy reading this blog. So thank you for sharing yout quilting journey, and stories & recipes from around your dinner table too. My quilting journey started about 4 years ago with my desire to finish some UFOs I inherited from my Mom. Well, I love the *modern*quilting quilting movement, and I've created lots of new projects while finishing very few of those old ones. Someday!

  27. Still just starting out on this quilts journey, but loving it so far. I'm also starting to bring a few friends along- it is a bit concerning that they'll ask my advice!

  28. Congratulations, Debbie! Blogging for a whole year now, very cool! I'm so glad we have connected and can't wait to see what you create this coming year. You are an inspiration!

  29. Congrats on your first year! I guess I am on a crafty hiatus as we speak, but loved seeing your year long journey!

  30. Happy Blogiversary! I have had a similar experience to you - discovering new friends, different opportunities to hone my sewing skills, and all kinds of fun. Thank you for the giveaway.

  31. A year worth celebrating! I have been sewing since I was small, and even put together quilts with my mom and grandma (tying them on a frame) since then too. But I decided this year, to get to know some other people who love it as much as I do. So this year, I hope to be more active online.

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  32. Congratulations on your first year! I taught myself to sew while pregnant with my first daughter, but this was a banner year for quilts, clothes, and assorted gifts...I think it's turning into an obsession. LOL!

  33. Congrats on your 1 year! I am getting ready to start a blog in the next few weeks,so my journey is just beginning in that respect. I have been sewing and quilting on and off for 30 years, but only recently elevating it to passion status and putting all my free time into it! Thanks for a great give-away.

  34. Making it to a year is AWESOME! I have so enjoyed seeing all your quilty goodness AND yummy recipes - sewing and food?! What is there not to love around here? Keep up the great work and thanks!

  35. Congratulations again on your 1st year of blogging. You are one of my go-to blogs when I have a chance to read and now every Monday evening is a dinner made with the intent on entering into Tuesday at the Table. Although I have not embarked on it yet, my newest quilting adventure will be learning how to free motion quilt during two classes I will be taking later on this month. So excited to branch out and try new things! Again, Happy Anniversary! :)

  36. I do need that hera marker! Congrats on reaching a year. I love your blog and am so glad we've become friends. :)
    My sewing journey began as an 8-yr-old making the requisite green skirt for the 4-H Fashion Revue. Through 10 years of 4-H I sewed my way from that green circle skirt through all kinds of bad fashion trends and to the State Fair, local fair and other sewing contests. Then in college I gave up sewing for awhile while I tried out life, but as a new Mommy with time on my hands, I came back to sewing and what I'd always wanted to learn--quilting. 6 years later, I've learned so much about quilting, sewing, and myself and made lots of new friends!
    Thanks for being a part of my journey, Debbie and I can't wait to see where your's takes you!

  37. You are so right that quilting is a journey...I started mine over 22 years ago at the ripe age of 19 when my then boyfriend (now hubs) went to the first Gulf War. My mom gave me all of her quilting tools because she (gasp) didn't like quilting and I was off. Some of the things I made in the past years are embarassing to say the least (country colors), but with the modern quilting movement I have found my nitch! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us! : )

  38. I think you expressed so well how you feel about blogging and quilting! Your post has really clarified for me what I like about it all, thank you! I started quilting to make a memory quilt out of my husband's handmade shirts, I guess I must have heard about this sometime. That was 3 years ago and quite a few quilts ago. I've had so much joy out of my new hobby in all sorts of ways, I'm so glad to have this passion. Thanks for being there with your blog!

  39. i have really enjoyed getting to know you debbie. you are such a sweet person and incredibly talented. i love your scrappy swoon! i think that blogging has amplified my adventures. seeing what other people are making inspires me to make more and make better.

  40. I think I forgot to comment I this post!
    I've really enjoyed watching your quilting journey! Mine started when I won a FQ bundle of Good Folks on Anna Maria Horner's blog. I decided to make a quilt with it, and I've been obsessed ever since! Congrats on the milestone!

  41. Oops, think I missed this before, sorry! Congrats on your first anniversary :o) I ended up getting into quilting when I went looking for doll's clothes for a bear and tripped over Sew Mama Sew on giveaway week in May last year...

  42. An Anniversary....Congrats! My quilting experience started last April. I was invited to join a small local quilt guild and it took off from there....buying fabric, a new machine because my old one broke and loving every bit of it.

  43. Congratulations! Love your blog!

  44. One Year! Wow--you have made such wonderful inspirations along your journey. I so admire your work---the creative quilting, the table talk, and the blog! Keep going and growing. Blessngs~

  45. I just found your blog via the history quilter. Beautiful pics. Can't wait to explore.
