Tuesday, February 26, 2013

W.i.P. Wednesday

Not huge progress this last week, but still managed to get a few time-critical projects out of the way.

Completed projects
February bee blocks - whew! What a relief to have gotten these done this week! I posted them here.

Mid-Century Modern bee project - March is MY month, and I managed to post the plan. The block I've chosen is a Hugs & Kisses block using a tutorial by Little Miss Shabby. More details are in the flickr group, of course, but here's the tutorial I used - four 5" blocks are put together to make one 9 1/2" unfinished block.

Here is my sample block:
Low-Volume Hugs & Kisses block
So this is a "completed for now" project, until early April, when I get blocks from my bee mates.

Ongoing projects
Emerald mini/placemats - I got all the blocks done and the 'tops' put together!

Scrappy Trip Along - I had to set this aside but hope to be back at it soon.

x and + blocks {#xplusalong} and Woodland cross-stitch sampler - no progress.

Upcoming projects
* pin cushion custom order
* flannel pillow for grandgirl
* table topper for mom
* scrappy Metrolink - still debating
* Polaroid block projects

Linking up with W.i.P. Wednesday.


  1. I love the choice for Mid Century Modern! And your emerald crosses are just great.

  2. I love all of that emerald! Normally I am not a big fan of green, but seeing all of this emerald lately is really changing my mind :)

  3. Both those project look great, the emerald crosses are very eye catching....I would be tempted to make a throw with all that lovely green, white and black!

  4. You will have a fabulous quilt from your MCM bee! Everything looks great, Debbie!

  5. Love your choice of bee block! My month in my bee is coming up soon and I'm at total loss of what block to choose. Almost at a panicky state ;)

  6. Love the colors in your sample block.

  7. Great choice for the MCM bee block! Need to pull my fabrics for this. Love the emerald placemats.

  8. Love the block and colors for the MCM bee!

  9. Your Hugs & Kisses blocks are really pretty in those low contrast colors. Beautiful!

  10. Though I'm not an emerald fan, as you know, I do love those placemats! The wonky crosses are perfect for them.

    And your sample bee block is really nice. Do your beemates work from their own fabrics or do you send them out?

  11. Wonderful work. I love the Emerald place mat in particular.

  12. Cool, love the kind of 'bordered' effect on the X/O block

  13. I was thinking of choosing that tutorial for my bee block in June. It's such a great one! Love your sample one!

  14. I have a bit of catching up to do. I love your bee project, it is going to be a wonderful quilt.

  15. Ooh I love your placemats, I'm not really an 'emerald' fan but I really like these.

  16. I love your bee blocks - really pretty!
