Monday, June 10, 2024

Summer Lovin'

Marci @marci_girl chose Summer Lovin' as her Bee Sewcial prompt this month. She told us, "Louisiana has summer and boy is it long. That doesn’t matter though, give me your summer vibes. Abstract blocks based off of tangible things/feelings/emotions. Invoke your feelings/experience of summer."

So for my first block, I was thinking about roasting marshmallows for s'mores. It's been a while since I've done that, but it's definitely 'summer' to me. If trimmed, the block would be about 13" x 14," but I think I'll leave it untrimmed, which Marci said was OK.

My second block is my improv take on a BBQ grill. Do you see it? This block measures 12" x 16" untrimmed. What a great summery palette Marci chose. It was definitely fun to work with these colors, and it didn't hurt that it was finally summery here in the PNW - blue skies and over 70-degrees, haha - while I worked on them.


  1. I can clearly see both the roasting marshmallows and the grill. And I echo your thoughts on the color palette - they are perfect colors for summer!

  2. Summer Vibes! With BBQ Grill and Marshmallows and that smokey smell on your clothes. Happy. Great piecing too.

  3. Definitely colors of summer! Both blocks are so clever and fun. Your group is so creative. I always enjoy seeing the block themes and what you do with them!

  4. I definitely see marshmellows and a grill top. Great colors in which to render them. I'm giggling about your "finally summery," and "over 70-degrees." If only. Summer has come much, much too early for Florida, with 90's for several weeks already. And we need rain!
