Monday, November 4, 2024

Spicy Glyphs

My bee mate Irene @hixsonir chose our final Bee Sewcial prompt for the year, "Spicy Glyphs." She gave us 8 unique figures to recreate in warm, spicy colors. 

Irene instructed us to "think cinnamon nutmeg chili ginger mustard saffron turmeric wasabi coffee…." Yummy, right? Figures and grounds could be broken into different colors and values, or be made in just two colors. Here's my first block, 12" x 13". 

My second block measured 11" x 13.5", and I used two shades of ginger/mustard for the figure this time. It's subtle but it's there. With my first block, Irene had commented that she liked that I left some elements edge to edge, so I made sure to do that again in the second block. Gotta say, this second one really challenged me, and I needed my seam ripper more than once. But I like where it ended up, so it was worth it.

So that's the last of my Bee Sewcial blocks for 2024. I'll be back at some point to do a round up of all of the prompts and my responses this year.


  1. You did a good job of interpreting Irene's prompt. Though I'd have to look up the definition for "glyph," as that's not a term I'm familiar with. The colors you chose look just like spice. Hmm, might be that some of those solids even have spice names! I'm sure Irene will like the blocks you made, and it will be fun to see how she puts them all together. Yay for being done with bees in 2024! You can play however you want for the rest of the year.

  2. These are fantastic interpretations and I think it's going to be interesting to see if all of the glyphs get used and or which ones are more frequently selected by the group!

  3. Great interpretation and spicy colors to warm up a rainy fall day.
