The word was 'unsettled.' It was in my mind and swirling in the actual feelings enveloping me. I was concerned about the well-being of family members and about changes taking place in our country. As an introvert, I was anticipating the extrovert paradise that is QuiltCon. And of course, so much more. So 'unsettled' became the focus of my TEXT piece, and I began with pulling some scraps from the scrap basket - bright, bold colors along with various shades of gray and natural. The colors themselves meant nothing to me. They just felt like something I'd enjoy playing with in that moment.
Once I had the UNs pieced, I filled in with Kona Dresden Blue, and then grid-quilted with Aurifil 50wt 2600 [Light Gray]. The grid is pretty dense - about 1/8" - 1/2", as the piece is relatively small - about 18" square. As I was piecing and quilting, I started thinking of other words that started with 'un' besides unsettled that were currently resonating with me.... unkind, unnecessary, understanding, undervalued, unfair, uncertain, undone, unlawful, unbelievable. The list could go on and on.

I had a speck of time to sew a few days ago and as a way of expressing the inspiration word, I decided to use just too letters, un. They were easy to piece, and obvious in a way, but not overtly so. More of the inspiration would come in my sharing of the finished piece.

When it came time for binding, I used what Dresden Blue I had left to cut strips 2.25" wide. I would have liked it wider in this instance, but that was still wider than my normal 2" so whatever. What I was able to follow though with was in the trimming. Or lack thereof. I trimmed, but I didn't square. Let's call it unexpected, shall we?
The goal of making UN(settled) was to embrace a given prompt, and in this instance, it affected me in a personal and emotional way. Is it my best piece ever? I don't think so. But I appreciate what it offered me in the making, and that's worth a lot.
The Dresden blue ties the "un" palette of colors together really well. These are unsettling times for sure. QuiltCon is a lot - a lot of people, a lot of quilts, etc. - but I do usually leave feeling filled with a sense of camaraderie and belief that what unites us is much bigger than what many would rather us focus on (what divides us). I hope that turns out to be the case for you as well. Sometimes, what is unexpected is delightful and/or joyful. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm delighted I get to visit this finish again. Thank you for linking up with Favorite Finish!
DeleteOpen Jars are useful and at times in my life I collected jars. I like your design.
ReplyDeleteI don't go along with the current media narrative, new opportunities and new ways of thinking are always ready to explore. Every day is a new day.
We're only 'divided' if we go along with that way of thinking.