I'll warn you from the get-go. This post is word-HEAVY, photo-light. Don't feel obligated to continue on. The fact of the matter is, I've been tagged three times in as many days. That means alot of questions to answer! I figured I might as well get it over with!!
First, Toni of Hoosier Toni tagged me - you can see the answers to her questions here. I'm not surprised her favorite color is orange, considering she grew up in Tennessee!
1. What is your least favorite color? yellow
2. What is your dream vacation, and would you take anyone with you? going to Italy again with hubby would be a dream come true
3. What was your first car? 1963 Mercury Comet
4. How did you meet your current partner/ love interest? at work
5. What is the worst injury you've ever had? stitches in my chin when I was young
6. What is your favorite snack? dark chocolate
7. Besides quilting, do you have any other hobbies? cooking/baking
8. What is your least favorite household chore? dusting
9. How close do you live to the place you grew up? a few miles
10. If you had to pick a favorite quilt, which one would it be? I think my Supernova. It is so packed with emotion and such a key piece of my quilting journey, it is super-special to me.
11. Do you have any pet peeves that you don't mind sharing? lack of follow-through
1- Besides the obvious hobby that you blog about what other things do you enjoy doing? see #7 above; I also like tinkering with photography
2- If you were stranded on an island for a full year and could only eat one thing that whole year what would it be (calories/health considerations don't count)? pizza
3- What is your favorite book or one that you enjoyed recently? A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg
4- Is there a movie that you like to watch over and over again? What is it? Sound of Music
5- What is your absolute favorite thing you've ever made/sewn? see #10 above; but Kaleidoscope is a close second!
6- If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? besides #2 above, visiting Australia would be awesome
7- If we went out for dinner, what restaurant would you pick? loving FIVE at the moment
8- What is your favorite childhood memory? my mom reading to me, rocking in the rocking chair with me on her lap
9- If you had to describe your personality in one sentence what would you say? dependable
10- Who do you consider one of the most inspiring people in your life? my step-dad, John
11- What is the last thing that made you smile? a gathering of friends
And just last night it was Krista from krista stitched. Learn more about Krista here. Love her cat, Hank!
1. Starch or no starch? no
2. Prewashing or not? no
3. Solids or prints? prints though I definitely love solids too
4. Dogs or cats? cats, hands down
5. Big quilts or little quilts? definitely both, but love what you can try in a little
6. Thrifting or buying new? new
7. Wood floors or carpet? have carpet; want wood floors
8. Beer or wine? wine but enjoy both
9. Staying in or going out? there's a time for each for sure
10. One fabric line per quilt or mix and match? usually mix it up
11. Watching tv or listening to music? tv

Whew! Way more than you needed or wanted to know! Thanks though, to Toni, Rebekah, and Krista for including me in the fun!
Now to do my part, I'm tagging the following bloggers! Do check out their blogs and get to know them!
And my questions are:
1. What is your favorite color to use in quilting?
2. Where would you like to visit in the U.S. that you've never been before?
3. How old is the car you drive most?
4. What's the last movie you saw and would you recommend it?
5. What makes a day great?
6. What is your favorite snack?
7. Besides quilting, do you have other hobbies?
8. What is your least favorite household chore?
9. Where would you live if you could?
10. What is your favorite quilt you've made?
11. What's your "wake up" beverage of choice?
O tagged ones, please feel free to participate as you wish! Have a great weekend everyone . . .