Thursday, August 24, 2023

Aurifil Artisan Challenge :: Mindful Stitching

August has felt like the perfect time for this month's Aurifil Artisan Challenge of Mindful Stitching. Coming off a long-term hand-stitching project, my Bow Ties quilt, I was ready for my ultimate relaxing stitching in a new Dropcloth sampler. I'd had the Log Cabin sampler stashed for a while, and I was happy to be finally starting in on it.

The challenge specifically requested that we use either Aurifil floss or 12wt. Traditionally I've used perle cotton on my samplers, but I've become quite enamored with the 12wt, and was anxious to try that again for embroidery. It is two-ply, the heaviest weight thread that Aurifil offers, and comes wound on a red spool. I didn't have a huge collection on hand, but a nice enough assortment to get started. On this particular project, I am doubling my thread for all my stitching.

To be honest, this piece is still a work in progress! I've been working on it for a couple of weeks now, and I've really been enjoying it. The Log Cabin is printed on a red and yellow background which totally influenced my choice of thread colors. I've chosen a red/orange/gold/purple palette, a little bit unusual but lots of fun to work in. And happily, the 12wt is a dream to stitch with - it stitches so smoothly, with just a bit of a sheen.

Just for the (my) record, the threads I'm using include:

1240 [Very Dark Eggplant] + 2134 [Spun Gold] + 2245 [Red Orange]
2255 [Dark Red Orange] + 2260 [Wine] + 2270 [Paprika] 
2520 [Violet] + 2535 [Magenta] + 2975 [Brass] + 5022 [Mustard]

I'm also doing a variety of stitches, choosing which to do as I start in on a new log cabin. So far, there's a mix of chain stitch, backstitch, stem stitch, couching, and coral stitch. 

So selecting a stitch and a thread color as I do this slow-stitching has been a fun element.


  1. There is something very therapeutic about stitching with 12 wt. Your choices of colors is so good, and I really like that print. Enjoy!

  2. Your photographs pick up the sheen of the thread nicely. Looks like a nice relaxing project!

  3. Beautiful stitching and colors, yes! I've been on vacation with family at Cannon Beach Oregon, now I need to rest and recharge. A stitching project is the perfect thing for that.

  4. Very pretty! Such great colors, as you always do. I like using 12-weight Aurifil too, and have a nice selection of colors now. It's my favorite weight for Kawandi. Thinking about you doubling the threads means you're stitching with 6-weight, I think. :-) Since 8-weight is my preference for embroidery, two strands of 12-weight is very similar. Nice work!

  5. Lovely work and such vibrant colors! Lydia had just asked if you were doing another embroidery sampler--now I can show her this! Nice work--great photos! Seems like lots to learn about embroidery floss. Love & Blessing~
