Friday, October 13, 2023

Calendar Update IV

So since last week's report, I was able to stitch up the first two panels of the triptych. We tried to get photos, but unfortunately the lighting played games with us. So the colors aren't entirely true, but at least there's proof they are sewn together.

Hubby actually had the bright idea to set up a portable table so I could move my sewing machine off my cutting/sewing table, thus making it long enough to lay out the long strips for trimming and pinning. That helped SO much, and piecing the different colors together wasn't too time-consuming.

And then yesterday, I took the two panels into church and met with the project initiator, so together, we could make a semi-final determination on the length of the panels - 60" x 64". Once the panels are quilted, we'll look again and see if they need to be just a couple inches shorter. 

All that said, I did take a break from piecing the third panel to quilt my Bee Sewcial Albersesque quilt, but I'm back at piecing now, and am working on the largest section of the entire project, which needs to be 46" wide. Once it's done - which I expect to take several days - I'll just have three skinny strips left to piece. This time next week, I hope to be able to say the end of the piecing is in reach.


  1. Lovely! What an exciting opportunity to serve the Lord with the special talents and passion that you have! Blessings as you stitch...and then quilt!

  2. Fantastic! No doubt the project initiator gave you positive feedback, and so you're going full steam ahead. It's looking really good. And I'm impressed that you managed to squeeze in quilting another quilt too. You are such an industrious lady. Well done!

  3. So smart to reconfigure your space to make it work well for those long seams. It looks like you've made great progress and I hope that seeing 2 panels complete helps propel you through the final piecing of panel 3.
