Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Find a Seat

It's been a full month since I checked in about the chair quilt, and I finally have a completed quilt top!

Measuring 47" x 62", I ended up using the OOP Mod Tex Flower in Sorbet by Studio RK to fill in around the table and chairs as I puzzled them all together. It's chaotic, and overwhelming, and I love it.

Now to make a pieced quilt back and consider a quilting plan. It feels good to finally have a quilt project thoroughly underway!


  1. Great quilt. There's so much movement and Flower in Sorbet really pulled all of the elements together!

  2. Lovely and vibrant! Congratulations.

  3. Oh, it has so much movement with the Mod Tex Flower in Sorbet print. Looks delightful to me!!

  4. I agree with the other commenters, there is so much movement in this quilt - I love it. It makes me think of a room full of happy conversations!

  5. The colors are so bright and happy and they stir excitement. It's only after I saw the name of the quilt that I realized there are chairs in the quilt. I was too busy looking at the colors. LOL. Well done.

  6. It's fantastically chaotic, and I completely understand why you love it! Initially, when you shared your first blocks, I was skeptical because it was difficult to discern some of the chairs. But now, it's a delightful mish-mash of chairs that has my eyes roving the top to find them - sort of a "Where's Waldo's Chair?" :-) What a wonderful finish it will be!
