Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Seat at the Table

A day or two after sharing my most recent post about the chair quilt project, I began to feel what I expected were Covid symptoms, considering hubby had tested positive a few days before. Ugh. Before I got wiped out for a few days, though, I managed to add a key piece to the collection of chair blocks on the design wall: a table.

As I began to feel better, I made another large chair block (bottom left in photo above) and a batch of various sized blocks incorporating a 'new' pink and orange solid, as well as a new multi-colored print.

I like what they added to the overall mix!

Progress has definitely been slow, but I think I'm about ready to start piecing from the inside out and just see where it takes me. For sure, I'll need more chairs before I'm done, but I'm thinking I might better see exactly what's needed as I move along. We'll see....


  1. This is really taking shape, and I like the mix of colors! Sorry about the Covid - hope you are both feeling better!

  2. Flu! I'm glad you're feeling better! Look at all the improv chair blocks, fun!

  3. Fascinating!! I love the rich colour in this piece, it looks very complex.

  4. How fun that there is a quilt title before the finish :) And enjoy your vacation. The pictures I saw so far in IG look fantastic. xo
