Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Floral Stitches IV

With this little sampler, I'm a quarter of the year though the Dropcloth Floral Stitches series. I'd originally planned on doing just six of the 12 samplers, but we'll see. I'm enjoying them so much!

This one felt a little less dense than the previous ones but that's fine. I double-stitched around several of the petals to add a little depth, but didn't really want to fill in anywhere on this design.

Here's all four of the floral samplers together!

I did go back and fill in around the border of the first sampler. Remember how I'd left that little scallop, not quite sure what to do with it?

Here it is after I filled it in with a variety of stitches. Better, right??

So I'm all caught up, and as always, just looking forward to the next one....