Saturday, February 10, 2024

Diamond Flare Finish

Whew! It's always such a relief to have a year-long project done! Begun back in March of last year, another segment or two was made each month, until I had a finished quilt top by year's end 2023. The pattern, Diamond Flare, is by guild member Taylor Krz @toadandsew.

For a quilt back, I used pretty much every little left-over from my Diamond Flare quilt top. The green fabric on the right side and top corner was pulled from stash to bring it to size. But otherwise, those bits and lengths were all from the stack of fabric I started the year with.

I had originally intended to make the quilt back along with the MQG Quilt Back Challenge starting with gathering supplies - the inspiration print + leftover solids. As a reminder, below is a shot of my initial inspiration fabric for the quilt's palette, Annabel Wrigley's @littlepincushionstudio Color Wheel Confetti Green for Windham Fabrics. Though I got it back out to consider piecing into the quilt back, I decided to save it for another project. But I think I kept pretty true to the palette, no?

As for my approach plan back during the challenge - using off-cuts from the quilt front, with the combination of simple geometric elements and overall piecing the back improvisationally, I stuck with that too.

I had run out of my big roll of Warm & White batting, and was thinking of trying something different. First I was thinking Quilter's Dream Green, but it was difficult to find in the amount I needed, so I decided to go with Quilter's Dream Select, which I'd used and liked before. I'm not sure what happened, but I somehow mis-ordered and ended up with Quilter's Dream Request, which I love for hand-quilting, but that wasn't my plan here. I decided to try it anyway, lightweight as it was, and it quilted like a dream. 

It was hard to pick a thread color from my stash that went with the wide range of colors and values in the quilt, but finally chose Aurifil 50wt 2612 [Arctic Sky]. I marked a diagonal 3" grid with my hera marker, one quarter of the quilt at a time, and that worked wonderfully. 

Bound with more of the Kona Blueprint used in both sides of the quilt, it finished at 71" square.

Whew! This one feels big, and with the batting and quilting choices, it is super cuddly and cozy. I think that is the last of the quilt projects begun last year. I sure hope so! I'm ready to do something impromptu and much smaller. Curious what that may be!


  1. You stayed very true to the inspiration color palette. This looks like a great snuggling quilt, and I think the crosshatch quilting sets off the design perfectly. Congratulations on the finish and wrapping up your 2023 starts!

  2. It has a definite Aztec flair. Great finish and color plan.

  3. It was such an unusual color pallete - maybe just for me? - and I have to confess I had my doubts in the beginning but it looks awesome now that it is completed. And I think the simple grid quilting fits well. Not everything needs to be complicated ;) A beautiful project. Enjoy your finish! xo
