Monday, May 6, 2024

Like, Totally :: May

Somehow, last week I went from having zero projects in the works, to several. And most of them have timelines attached, and I was feeling a little overwhelmed about how to proceed. Then this month's Seattle MQG BOM block instructions were posted, and everything began to fall into line.

Actually, I used the making of the BOM blocks as a little reward for making progress on another project. They were good incentive, plus relatively easy blocks, and I had them done in no time. Before I put that project away for another month, I decided to see how my Like, Totally quilt was stacking up by putting all of my blocks so far up on the design wall.

Very fun! I'm really enjoying my chosen palette, and the mix of low-volume background fabrics. So I'm feeling good about where this BOM is headed.


  1. Great piecing and colors. Pleasing design too. Happy May!

  2. How fun to use these blocks as a reward for finishing up something else. They look great together on your design wall!

  3. Your phrasing, "...everything began to fall into line." Ha, ha. May's "line blocks" were easy to make, and I'm grateful for that. I need easy, so I can manage the too-many WIPs I have right now. It's fun to see your blocks laid out, to see how they're looking together. Really nice! P.S. Every time I press the "publish" button, I'm still getting the "Failed to publish comment. Try again later." I find I'm having to wait for tens of minutes to get comments to take. What's up with that?!

  4. This is such a cool project! xo
