Tuesday, May 29, 2012

W.i.P. Wednesday

W.i.P. Wednesday just sneaks up on me sometimes, like this week after a busy long weekend.

Completed projects
Japanese x and + blocks Round 2 - only managed 5 blocks to swap this round + 1 more for my pile. Slow but sure I'll have enough for a quilt.

Zakka Style Sew-Along project #8: Zakka Block Quilt - This was SO fun, and I love how it turned out! Full reveal post Thursday.

Ongoing projects

Zakka Style Sew-Along project #9: Stem Messenger Bag - I've gotten as far as choosing my fabrics . . . dare I confess this project scares me a bit? It involves a flap, a handle, hardware.

Always Bee Learning June Tokoyo subway blocks - This will be a bit of a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it. Clever Megan, having us help her piece this quilt!

A couple more potholders - part of the month-end prize at Tuesday at the {summer} Table, which begins next Tuesday!

Upcoming projects
* Let's Get Acquainted project
* more Zakka
* June Modern Blocks Bee block NEW
* Solstice Stars quilt
* Quilt using my 4x5 blocks from rounds 1, 2, & 3
* Tutorial for pieced binding
* QWERTY variation
* a quilt to coordinate with my Christmas tree skirt - On a Whim ??
* scrappy Metrolink
* Plus quilt for my sister-in-law - waiting to see her palette

Linking up with W.i.P. Wednesday.


  1. I keep meaning to start the Zakka sew-along. As usual, by the time I get started it will be long done...

    Things look interesting here at the table!

  2. Wow, you have lots of great projects going on. Your pot holders using Malka's fabrics look great, I love the Tokyo Subway quilts I have seen on other blogs, and the fabrics you have chosen for your messenger bag have me very excited to see what you create. You can do it!

  3. Wednesdays sneak up on me, too! I always mean to write another blog post on the weekend, but before I know it, it's Wednesday again! :)
    I can't wait to see the full reveal of your Zakka quilt. It looks fabulous so far!

  4. I look forward to your Thursday post. Love the black binding.
    The flap to project 8 is not difficult at all and the hardware is well described, even though I didn't make it for my small bag. The strap was too thin for it.
    Love the fabric combination to your potholders!

  5. Ooh, I'm excited to see your messenger bag. I love them and have patterns for several but still haven't bit the bullet.

  6. The Zakka quilt looks fabulous! Look forward to seeing it in all its glory! And the messenger bag was too scary me! Good luck with it!

  7. Love everything here as usual, but really looking forward to seeing your Zakka quilt revealed.

  8. Yoyu always have so many lovely projects :)

  9. Your Zakka quilt looks fun! the subway blocks aren't bad at all, but I'm pretty sure mine came out a little small. I haven't wanted to measure yet as I'm sure I'll gag if I have to rip out those stitches...Cannot wait to see the messenger bag!

  10. Ooo, can't wait to see more of the Zakka quilt - love it so far! And it's time for the messenger bag already? I need to make that -- but am also a little scared by it!

  11. Cute zakka style sneak peek! Sure you can manage the messenger bag no problem, love the colours you chose to start with :o) Very cunning plan with those bee blocks though, hmmm, that may have given me an idea!

  12. So many cute projects! I am definitely going to have to sneak back on Thursday and see your finished quilt, it looks amazing!

  13. Hardware always makes me nervous, too. Good luck - I'm sure it'll turn out well. Everything looks great that you're working on.

  14. oh I am sure you will manage the hardware, but yes scary stuff! love the look of your zakka quilt!

  15. I am always amazed at all you do, just lovely too! Wanted to let you know I finally used the Hera tool. It was because of one of your posts that I bought one and I love it! Thank you for your continued encouragement to us fairly newbies! I for one appreciate you!

  16. Great projects! Love your Zakka sew along projects, I'm sure you'll rock the stem messenger bag :-)

  17. The Zakka block quilt looks super cute, what we can see of it anyways! Looking forward to the full reveal.

  18. your projects always impress me, loving all of them!

  19. Man I love that view finder fabric!!!! This reminds me that I need to start back up on my Tokyo Quilt :/ She is a smart girl haha

  20. Very interesting sneak peaks there! I'll be looking out to see the full reveals =D

  21. Good luck with your stem messenger bag! I am sure you will do fine!

    Ohhh I love the idea of having my bee piece the Tokyo Subway quilt for me. LOL Better than the Swoon quilt, right?

    So if we are linking up to your Tuesdays at the Summer Table party, we have to link a recipe for that week's category, right? I am going to post a roasted chicken here soon, but I guess I can always wait until your grilled week and modify my recipe. :)

  22. Oh, I have made many a bag Debbie and it's a lot easier than you think. When someone gives good directions, and you can see how it comes together, you usually don't have any trouble. Love all your projects!

  23. Beautiful projects, as always! I saw your Zakka quilt on Flickr and it looks awesome!

    I missed WIP Wednesday...I'll get it next week!

  24. I loved your Zakka quilt when I saw it on Flickr. Adorable! Love that Melody Miller!!
