When Julie of Distant Pickles first showed off her finished Mod Pop, I was totally wow-ed. I mean this quilt was unique and bold and fun. Not long after, I saw Leanne/shecanquilt's done in solids, and I just loved it. I really didn't consider making a Mod Pop myself, though, until Leanne came up with the Mod Pop QAL, and just for fun I decided to join in and make the baby size, just to go along for the ride and try something outside of my comfort zone.
For fabrics, I chose seven Kona solids - Berry, Crocus, Hibiscus, Lupine, Petunia, Thistle, Violet, plus another Violet of unknown origin. The chain fabric is Northcott Colorworks' Pearl, a very light gray. I purchased Julie's acrylic template set, and cut my curves out with a very small rotary cutter, which worked great. I got my first block put together at Sewing Summit.
In all honestly, I moved at a snail's pace from there. I just let those curves intimidate me. Not sure why, but I had issues getting them matched up just right. But I kept at it, and eventually the chain design really began to show itself off.
For the backing, I chose V and Co. Simply Color Ikat Diamonds Eggplant. For me, it was a perfect choice, has such a nice hand, and quilted up so nice! I really need to add more Simply Color to my stash!
I chose to use variegated purple thread for quilting the background of Mod Pop. It's King Tut "Crushed Grapes", which coordinated wonderfully! For the chains, I used light gray Aurifil.

I'll abstain from much self-criticism here - the good news is I free-motion quilted the majority of this quilt (the purple background); the bad news is, I'm still learning and gaining confidence. So in no way is it perfection, but it is done, and overall, I'm pleased. The chains were done with the walking foot, basically following the design. My hera marker came in very handy here.
As for the binding . . . there was a hearty discussion on Instagram when I asked for thoughts on binding. I was simply considering either a solid or a print (the Ikat Diamonds), and was a bit taken aback by the suggestions of orange! or yellow! Oh my. It sounded fun though, and I honestly did get those solids out and audition them. But either I had the wrong shades or who knows what, but they just didn't work for me. So Lupine it is. Maybe next time . . .
I took the quilt along in the car to finish binding today while hubby and I were out and about, and finish I did. Soooo, we decided why not have an impromptu photo shoot?
So, Mod Pop is done! It was a stretch both in piecing and quilting, but I'm really pleased to have conquered it!
Linking up with finish it up Friday, At the end of the hallway, Friday Felicities, and Fabric Tuesday. AND this quilt was on my fourth quarter Finish-A-Long list! Also linking with shecanquilt's final roundup here.