Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2024 Quilting Planning Party

Yvonne/Quilting JETgirl is once again hosting her Quilting Planning Party, a time to look back on the goals made for 2023 and then to consider plans and goals for next year. Let's see how I did meeting last year's goals, then we'll look ahead.

The Quilts

And also I finished Albersesque, my latest Bee Sewcial quilt.

  • In addition to the hand-quilting of the bow tie quilt this year, I dabbled in Sashiko, and stitched several Dropcloth samplers. What was especially fun with the samplers was stitching with Aurifil's 12wt rather than perle cotton. I became hooked even before they announced they'd be coming out with an 8wt this year!
  • Though I was stitching on one thing or another during the evenings of 2023, I basically have abandoned the Gingiber tea towel I started. Still thinking I'll get back to it, but no love will be lost if I don't. That said, I feel like my handwork goals overall were met. I was consistently working on something.
The Community
  • The goals of regular, frequent posting on the blog here and on Instagram, plus publishing near-monthly editions of The Scrap Basket were met. 
  • I'm not going to make it to QuiltCon in Raleigh, but shipped off one of my quilts going in my place, so that's nice.
New Directions
  • Nothing specific! One day at a time is my motto of late, and I plan to stick with it. Of course, I'm open to new opportunities - I just don't know what those might be yet. And here's where that liturgical quilt project comes in! It has been my primary focus all during quarter 4 and beyond. The quilted panels are staring at me from my design wall, and binding is ready to go. Trimming the panels to size is in progress!
  • I also unexpectedly sold A Neon Moment. Selling any quilts was not a goal and notable enough to mention as having happened.

So looking forward to 2024, the overall goal is to think small, do what sounds fun, and enjoy the process. Though I'm thankful for the opportunity of the liturgical calendar project, I'm hoping this year is free of all-consuming large projects. That said, I do have several quilt projects already lined up.


  • Cozy quilt - this quilt along with Alison Glass will be a major handwork focus in the first few months of the year. I'm really looking forward to learning a new quilting technique and style.
  • Baby quilt - needed for an upcoming shower. I'm debating whether one I already have finished would be appropriate.
  • Finish Diamond Flare, the Seattle MQG BOM from 2023.

  • Hourglass II quilt - I had 30 leftover quilt blocks stashed, and planned to either make them into a quilt or gift the blocks. I went ahead and included that project here even though on January 1, a friend offered to make a charity quilt with them. Perfect!
  • A new Bee Sewcial prompt and quilt - I'm scheduled for July, so this is will be on the back burner for a few months. Meanwhile, I'll make nearly monthly blocks for my beemates.
  • Blocks for a new group quilt opportunity, which I'll share more about when I work on them.

  • New Seattle MQG BOM for 2024.

  • Participate in the #PantoneQuiltChallenge2024.

  • Other quilts as my whim dictates.

  • Cozy quilt fits here too
  • Looking forward to trying out the new Aurifil 8wt
  • Other handwork TBD

  • I plan to continue with the regular blogging and publishing monthly or so newsletters.
  • I also plan to continue to participate in the Aurifil Artisan program, with several commitments upcoming.

New Directions
  • Maybe not new exactly, but I feel the need for a studio refresh - recover ironing table, new cutting mat, new pins, organize supplies
  • We'll see what comes up! 
So mostly, I want to work through that list of quilts, letting the unexpected sneak in there occasionally, and just see what the creative year brings. Though the list of quilts already in the works or planned is a bit daunting (ie. a clean slate would be nice), I think there's enough variety and element of the unknown that I'll enjoy them. If not, I'll re-evaluate! And as always, I expect there will be smaller sewn projects here and there, as they are a good breather, and I really enjoy them too. I'm definitely looking forward to a new creative year!

Linking up with Quilting JETgirl's #2024QuiltingPlanningParty.


  1. Your achievements are fantastic! Your 2024 plans seem doable! That is, unless you're a someone like me who becomes overwhelmed by just the thought of needing to work on something (and later realize, after accomplishing it, it took less time than you thought it would). To me your list seems daunting! But in reality, stretched out over 12 months, it's probably pretty achievable - that is, if you don't succumb to the odd squirrel that crosses your path. We know what happens then! Most of all, quiltmaking is meant to be an enjoyable process, and I'm hoping both of us find time to appreciate that. I'm sorry you won't be at QuiltCon, but you know I'll be looking for your quilt. I'm still awed by your triptych. It's so-o great, and will be beautiful addition to your church sanctuary.

  2. Wow, you did great with your 2023 goals. I know the liturgical triptych has been taking up a lot of your time, and I hope that you feel a deep sense of accomplishment when it is finished; it sounds like you are making great progress on that again. I look forward to seeing everything you create in 2024. Your work is inspiring!

  3. Congratulations on your finished projects and plans!
    I like your Neon Moment, very exciting, and you sold it, it will add a wonderful splash of color in its new home.

  4. Happy New Year Debbie. Just wanted to tell you I very much enjoy your newsletters. I only subscribe to a few but yours, Meg Cox's and Kirsty (Bonjour Quilts) are my 'definitely read' newsletters. Lots of great work last year and I am sure 2024 will be the same!

  5. That sounds like a great plan for 2024! Though I could entertain the idea of a clean slate (project wise) too ;) I will be looking forward to you quilts - new and "old" and your smaller projects. Always so inspiring! All the best for the new year to you and your husband. xo
